Exploring Brazil: 6 Perfect Destinations for School Holidays

Exploring Brazil: 6 Perfect Destinations for School Holidays

By: Olivia Cristina

Discover the best Brazilian destinations to enjoy the school holidays, combining fun, culture and learning for children, teenagers and the whole family.



Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, full of destinations that offer unique experiences for all ages. During the school holidays, it is the perfect opportunity to explore the best the country has to offer and provide young people with a period full of fun, learning and new discoveries. From the charms of paradisiacal beaches to the mystery of the forests and the cultural richness of the historic cities, Brazil is an invitation to adventure. Below, we list six Brazilian destinations that are ideal for school holidays and guarantee a memorable experience for the whole family.

1. Iguazu Falls, Parana

Foz do Iguaçu is one of the most impressive tourist destinations in Brazil, known for the stunning Iguaçu Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. This destination offers a perfect combination of adventure, contact with nature and learning about biodiversity.

Category: Ecotourism, Adventure, Environmental Education
Emphasis: Iguazu Falls, Bird Park, Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant

In addition to the famous waterfalls, Iguaçu National Park has ecological trails and boat trips that allow for an immersive experience with nature. The Bird Park is another must-see attraction, offering the chance to see rare birds up close and learn about species preservation. To top it off, a visit to the Itaipu Power Plant, one of the largest hydroelectric plants in the world, provides a lesson in renewable energy and engineering.

2. Gold Black, Minas Gerais

Ouro Preto is a historic city that dates back to the 17th century and offers a deep dive into Brazilian history. It is an ideal destination for families who want to combine cultural learning with pleasant strolls through the cobblestone streets and colonial architecture.

Category: History, Culture, Educational Tourism
Emphasis: Museum of Inconfidência, Chico Rei Mine, Church of Saint Francis of Assisi

The city is home to museums such as the Museu da Inconfidência and several baroque churches that tell the story of colonization and the gold rush in Brazil. For young people, exploring old mines, such as the Mina do Chico Rei, provides an adventure full of knowledge about the colonial period and the work of slaves.

3. Diamantina Plateau, Bahia

Located in the heart of Bahia, Chapada Diamantina is one of the best ecotourism destinations in Brazil, offering stunning landscapes, majestic waterfalls, caves and trails that challenge the adventurous spirit of young people.

Category: Ecotourism, Adventure, Nature
Emphasis: Smoke Waterfall, Enchanted Well, Lapa Doce Cave

Families can explore trails such as Cachoeira da Fumaça, one of the highest in Brazil, and Poço Encantado, known for its crystal clear waters and stunning visual effects. Local guides enrich the experience with information about the flora, fauna and geology of the region, ensuring that the adventure is also a valuable learning experience.

4. Gramado and Canela, Rio Grande do Sul

Gramado and Canela, located in the Serra Gaúcha, are perfect destinations for those who want a European atmosphere without leaving Brazil. Known for their charming architecture and attractions geared towards the whole family, these cities provide a unique experience during the school holidays.

Category: Winter Tourism, Theme Parks, Local Culture
Emphasis: Snowland, Mini World, Caracol Park

Snowland offers year-round snow fun, ideal for children and teenagers who have never had the chance to play in the snow. Other attractions include Mini Mundo, a miniature park with replicas of famous buildings, and Caracol Park, with its famous waterfall and nature trails.

5. Beautiful, Mato Grosso do Sul

Bonito is known for its crystal clear waters, caves and ecotourism activities. This destination is perfect for families who want to combine fun with a lesson in environmental preservation. It is one of the best places in Brazil to observe aquatic life and learn about the importance of preserving natural resources.

Category: Ecotourism, Adventure, Environmental Conservation
Emphasis: Floating in the Rio da Prata, Blue Lake Cave, Macaws Hole

Activities such as floating on the clear rivers, diving in the Gruta do Lago Azul and hiking through Buraco das Araras provide an immersive experience in nature. Experienced guides explain the local biodiversity and conservation efforts, making learning a fundamental part of the visit.

6. Maranhão Sheets

Lençóis Maranhenses is a unique destination in Brazil, known for its white sand dunes and crystal clear lagoons that form during the rainy season. This destination provides a perfect combination of adventure and direct contact with nature.

Category: Ecotourism, Adventure, Natural Landscapes
Emphasis: Blue Lagoon, Beautiful Lagoon, ATV Tour

The park offers ATV rides and dune walks, as well as refreshing dips in crystal-clear lagoons such as Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Bonita. Children and teenagers can learn about the dune and lagoon ecosystems, as well as the geography of the region.


Exploring Brazil during school holidays is an excellent opportunity to provide children and teenagers with moments of fun and learning. Destinations such as Foz do Iguaçu, Ouro Preto, Chapada Diamantina, Gramado, Bonito and Lençóis Maranhenses offer unique experiences that combine adventure, culture and contact with nature, ensuring that the holidays are unforgettable and full of knowledge.