Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, affecting many pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Although it does not pose a risk to the mother or baby in most cases, nausea can be quite uncomfortable and disrupt daily life. The good news is that there are several strategies to alleviate this discomfort and make this phase more peaceful.
If you are pregnant and looking for ways to relieve daily nausea, check out the foolproof tips we have put together for you!
Why does nausea happen?
Nausea during pregnancy is directly linked to hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body. The hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is produced in the first weeks of pregnancy, is the main cause of this symptom. Other factors, such as increased progesterone and increased sensitivity to odors and flavors, also contribute to the discomfort.
Although they are more common in the morning – the famous “morning sickness” – nausea can occur at any time of the day and vary in intensity from woman to woman.
Tips to reduce daily nausea during pregnancy
If you are suffering from motion sickness and want to find effective ways to relieve it, these tips can make all the difference:
1. Avoid going long periods without eating
An empty stomach can make nausea worse. It is best to eat small meals throughout the day, avoiding long gaps between meals. Keeping a light snack nearby can help.
2. Choose dry and light foods
Whole-grain crackers, toast, breads, and cereals may be better tolerated than fatty or highly seasoned foods. These foods help absorb excess stomach acid and reduce feelings of nausea.
3. Consume ginger
Ginger is known for its antiemetic properties, which means it helps reduce nausea. You can consume it in tea, candies, capsules or even grated on food.
4. Hydrate yourself throughout the day
Dehydration can make nausea worse, so drink plenty of fluids. If plain water seems difficult to drink, try mild teas, water with lemon slices, or diluted natural juices.
5. Avoid strong smells and flavors
A pregnant woman's sense of smell becomes more sensitive, and certain smells can trigger nausea. Try to avoid foods and environments with very strong odors.
6. Eat smaller, more frequent meals
Heavy meals can overwhelm your digestive system and make nausea worse. Eat small portions throughout the day, focusing on foods rich in protein and light carbohydrates.
7. Rest whenever possible
Fatigue can make nausea worse, so try to rest whenever you feel the need. Getting a good night’s sleep and taking short naps throughout the day can make all the difference.
8. Avoid sudden movements
Getting up quickly from bed or changing position abruptly can make the discomfort worse. Move gently and try to get up slowly when you wake up.
9. Try acupuncture or aromatherapy
Some women report significant improvement in nausea with acupuncture or the use of essential oils, such as peppermint and lavender. Always consult a professional before adopting these practices.
10. Talk to your doctor
If nausea is very intense and is affecting your diet and hydration, do not hesitate to seek medical help. In some cases, a professional may prescribe safe medications to relieve symptoms.
When does nausea require medical attention?
Although morning sickness during pregnancy is normal, in some cases it can develop into a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition involves excessive vomiting, weight loss, and severe dehydration, requiring medical attention. If you are vomiting frequently and have difficulty eating or drinking water, see your doctor immediately.
Morning sickness during pregnancy can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms and make this phase more comfortable. Small changes in diet, adequate hydration and rest are simple but effective measures. In addition, whenever necessary, seek medical advice to ensure your well-being and that of your baby.
Every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one woman may not be as effective for another. The secret is to try different approaches and find what works best for your body. With patience and proper care, this phase will pass and you will soon be able to enjoy your pregnancy with greater peace of mind and well-being.